Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Phoenix dactylifera L. (Khajur)


Phoenix dactylifera Linn.


English : Date palm

Hindi : Khajur

Malayalam : Eethappana, Eenthappana

Sanskrit Names: Kharjura, Svaduphala

Distribution – In Arabia, Egypt, Sindh, and Rajasthan in India.

Rasa : Madhura (Sweet)
Guna : Guru (Heavy)
Virya : Seeta (Cold Potency)


Useful part : Fruit, Flowers, Seed, Leaf.
Pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, sexual debility, asthma, headaches, general weakness, bronchitis, dry cough, burning sensations, and gastric complaints.

Useful part : Fruit, Flowers, Seed, Leaf.

Dates infusion: Infusion or syrup or in ayurveda called as Kharjura Mantha” is used for general body weakness and for athletes as energy tonic, and for sore throat, fever, bronchial asthma, it is very useful.
“Kharjura Mantha” preparation is very easy. Fresh date fruits are crushed and macerated and churned with water, and filtered. The extract is called “Kharjura Mantha” is used as energy drink.
“Kharjurasavam” is an ayurvedic medicine preparation which is used for anemia, piles, hepatitis, Tuberculosis etc.

Gum exudates is used for treating diarrhoea and Genito-urinary tract ailments.

Roots: Crushed roots extract is used for toothache.

Home remedies:

1. Boiling Kharjura fruits in milk and consumed the contents at bedtime orally is helpful to relieve from headache, and cough.

2. Leaves of palm tree is boiled in water and decoction (red coloured) is useful for gargling in toothache.

3. Asthma Medicine preparation: Pounded dates fruit (250 gm), Powdered Pippali (piper longum) 25 gm, Powdered Black pepper 25 gm should be mixed together and made in to paste. Peanut-sized tablets are made and consumed twice daily.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Herbal juice for joint pians

You need: Carrot juice 1cup.
Turmeric 8 pinchs, and 1/2 tsp of honey.

The combination juice is very helpful for joint pains and give desirable strenght to joints.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kashyapa Lehyam

Ingredients: Cumin 100 gm, Sugar Candy 100 gm, Ghee 100 gm.

Method of preparation:
Mix powdered Cumin and powdered Sugar candy thoroughly and keep it aside.
In a frying pan, melt ghee and stop the flame and keep this vessel off the flame. Mix the powdered mixture to ghee spoon-by-spoon and mix all the ingredients properly.

Uses: This medicine is very helpful to promote digestion, and is a good appetizer. The same medicine acts as uterine tonic.

Dosage: 1 tsp twice daily one hour before food for adults. 2 gm for children before food.

Diabetes Roti

Diabetes: rotti: barley, senuga(kadala maavu), jeeraka, vaamu (ajwain), black pepper, saindhava lavanam.
Diabetes Roti:
Ingredients: Barley powder 100 gm, Besan or Gram floor 100 gm, Ajwain 5 gm, Black pepper powder 5 gm, Saindhava Lavanam 1 gm

Prepare dough with the above ingredients with the help of water and prepare Roti with very little ghee or without ghee.

Diabetes patients can consume this to maintain balanced sugar levels.

With regards,
