Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bathing Secret





athing is mandatory for Day-to-Day life as it is having significant importance for being healthy. Though, most of the individuals doesn't aware for what they do bath but there are many scientific theories and ancient values. As a part of health purpose and to maintain hygiene, bathing is recommended and being practiced by most. There are many other theories hidden or which are not focused to present era regarding bathing and its uses.

The present trend is changed a lot for bathing techniques as to maintain lifestyle in health and wellbeing angle, they are Balneotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Naturopathy etc.

Balneotherapy is an advanced therapeutic practice of bathing with classical essence where herbal medicines or minerals are added to cold or hot water and during the processing massaging is done where subject feels relaxed and gains therapeutic gain.

During ancient times many herbs were used for bathing purpose and even hot balls of iron or metals were immersed in water so that it become hot and attains mineral values which in turn helps for health purposes. To gain pleasant mind fragrance materials such as sandal, rose water etc., were added to water.

By understanding present condition, there are modified Balneotherapies or hydro therapies which were practiced world-wide.

    The following therapies are compilations from ayurvedic texts where herbs are used for bathing purposes.

Though ancient scholars mentioned many types of bathing, they were significant to that particular times. Examples as per puranas are "Bath by wind" or "Vayavya Sananam" (Bathing), Sarswatha Snanam (As indicated by elders), "Divyasnana" Bathing in rain water in presence of sun light, "Manasa Sanana" and "Parthiva Snanam" bathing with prayers for mental satisfaction.

There are many varieties of bathing depending on indication and in ancient times, they classified into Nithya Snana (daily bath), Naimithika Snana (causal bath) and Kamya Snana (desirable bath).

As per traditional practices, even after menstruation, special mud bath is recommended for auspicious reasons.

There are many other traditional bathing which were mentioned as per festivals, even oil bath is mentioned as mandatory in part of "Dinacharya" or "Daily Activity."


Water Bath: There are many different varieties of water bath starting from cold water bath, hot water bath, pond water bath, distilled water bath etc., depending on the condition of climate, person, place etc.

Milk Bath: As milk is having many medicinal and nutritional properties, one can apply milk or milk cream all over the body and do mild massage followed by water bath gives nourishment to skin and brings lustre on skin.

Ghee Bath: Ghee bath is very important and is indicated for lean persons and for those desiring good tonicity of body can apply Cow's Ghee or Goat's Ghee all over the body which is very helpful as Ghee is having (Yogavahi property) or (Catalytic agent).

Cow Dung Bath: Cow Dung Bath is having significant values and gives good tonicity of the body and is found effective for obese people.

PanchaGavya SNanam or being bathed with curd, milk, ghee, cow urine and cow dung is an auspicious bath which is having multiple benefits.

Gooseberry or Amla Bath: By collecting Fresh or Dried Gooseberries and making paste with water and on applying over full body (Including hair) and do mild massage followed by water bath is very helpful as it acts as cleansing agent and nourishing agent to the skin which helps to enhances glow of the skin.

Herbal mixture BATH: The medicines which are having fragrance and medicinal values such as Srigandham, Jatamamsi "Nardostachys Jatamansi," Bael (Aegle marmelos), Kasthuri Manjal or Special turmeric, etc., can be put in powdered form in water and used for bathing.

Herbal leaves Bath: By using leaves such as Neem, Beal, Lotus leaves and jasmine flowers soaked in water can be used for bating which is having soothing properties for body and mind.

By understanding the above concept, one can follow regular bathing practice and herbal bathing wherever and whenever necessary which helps to refresh body and mind.

By Dr.Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.

Love The Clove



love (Syzygium aromaticum.) is having many health benefits due to presence of antioxidants.

Health Benefits:

Dental Pain: Clove is mainly used for dental pain as the essential oil of it contains anodyne which relieves dental pain.

Carminative: It increases appetite by increasing Hcl levels in stomach and increases peristaltic movements. (Do not consume in hyperacidity).


It also acts as Natural Anthelmintic, eases flatulence, anorexia, vomiting, colic complaints, cough, cough, headache etc.

Useful part:    Dried flower buds, oil.



Dr. Vijay Kumar, Santhigiri Healthcare Centre, Mumbai.